My Family

My Family

Friday, June 21, 2013

How are you REALLY doing??

I would be very ungrateful if I didn't first say Thank You to EVERYONE!!  I can't even express the love, kindness, generosity, support, words, and prayers.  It has lifted and sustained my life and has significantly blessed my wife and kids!!  I love you all!!

It's been an amazing few days and I have learned how selfless people are, people willing to do everything for someone else!  How do you thank people like that, how do you give back?  I'm so in the hole with saying thank you, or sending my love to people the I feel unworthy of my blessings.  I was able to go to dinner and secure an eternal friendship with some very amazing people, I graduated the first bout of radiation!!!!!  Get that mask away from me!!!  I went up to a fundraiser in Ogden at a crossfit gym, and I was blown away, not only at the physical specimens, but at there love and support to me and my family, they treated me like a brother, they hugged me, they cried with me, they took their bodies to the limit and came straight to me and hugged me.  People who didn't need to be there, people that finished not matter what for me, a little sister who went absolutely beast mode to finish and she did with tears in her eyes and I was able to cry with her and thank her!!  I had my wife and kids going through heck and didn't stop, didn't quit!!  How do you thank someone for that?
I was able to go through the Temple with some family members and it was one of the most spiritual and emotional sessions!!  Families are forever!!!! It was Father's Day and I got to think of my amazing Dad who has done everything in his power to make my life better. I got to look at MY fatherhood, how stinking blessed I am, 4 amazing children who have changed my life and giving me my supreme honor of being a Father!!!  I also got to think of my Heavenly Father, I can't even begin to express my love and humility!  I was able to go to work a few times for a bit, I love my company,  I am part of their family and they make me feel that way!  I started Chemo with my infusion, met with the Dr. and he was very, very pleased with my attitude and progress!! It was a busy few days!!

Now, the question my family and I are asked a bunch ( usually behind my back)!! " How are you REALLY doing?? You know, like I'm lying or faking, :))! I'm going to get personal for minute and I apologize.  When I say "I'm good". I mean it!  Let me tell you why.  I am a child of God and he has sent  me here, I'm an offspring of Deity!  I agreed to ANYTHING The Lord would put in my path because the only way I can be like Him is to go through my trials like he wants me too, with Faith, with Hope, with integrity!  With courage!!   I have cancer, but people go through MUCH, MUCH worse and I would be an ungrateful servant to pout and whine about myself!! I'm honored, that my Eternal Father in Heaven trusts little old me, with this opportunity to grow, see miracles, have my family unified,  meet heroes who have battled long before myself, flip my world upside down to see what life, family, and the eternities are really all about! I cannot and WILL NOT throw my hands in the air and say "why me?" I am not going to disgrace the Plan of Happiness that I agreed to!!  My family, my wife, my kids, my friends and many others are watching, it is my obligation to "lift where I stand!!"  I'm not in this alone, not for a second!! So, for anyone wondering, "how are you Really doing?""  I am a Child of God, I have NOTHING to complain about!!  I love you all!!  WE GOT THIS!!!


  1. Your brother gave a talk in sacrament today and read this part of your blog. It was extremely moving, not only because my brother-in-law is fighting the same fight you are, but more so your incredible example of being a faithful servant of our Father! Your courage strengthens more people than you know. Thank you Brother!! You've got this!!

  2. Chad, I just saw your comment! Thank you so much for your wonderful, kind words! You have no idea what it means. I hope your bro in law is ok. You're in my prayers!
