My Family

My Family

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Now What?

Well, I started my last infusion treatment and chemo yesterday ( I might now do just chemo) and after 3 previous treatments, I know now what to expect, it'll be rough for a while.  But I know how to get comfortable and my amazing wife takes such good care of me! My MRI looks good, stable.  I also have my full body scans coming up in a couple weeks.  Those will tell us a lot about what lies ahead, these are the ones we've been anticipating for a long time, and it's almost here.
It's so amazing and a little strange, what I have missed over the past months.  I miss the gym, you know where you go to work yourself to exhaustion and can't move the next day, I miss that. I miss cleaning the house, I can do a solid once over! I miss work, I love my job and who I work with, I have never been more excited to get back!!!!  I miss little things that mean nothing to most but mean the world to me.

Over the past months, it has been easy for me to stay very positive, because I had something to look forward to.  Golf tourney, crossfit, etc, etc.!!!! With each event I was touched, inspired, humbled and it was truly easy to fight.  After the dust settled, and there were no more events, I jokingly asked my wife "now what"?  I didn't mean what's the next event or anything like that, but for us......"now what"?  All those events were amazing, they lifted me like no other, but I always knew it would come to an end, and I would need to have another motivation.  And I do, my motivation is trust!  I trust that the prayers haven't stopped in my family's behalf, I trust that people have bettered their lives to draw faith for me.  I trust that my sweet little babies will continue to be lifted by love and faith from others as they watch their Daddy fight.  I trust that my sweet, gentle wife can draw on the powers of Heaven.  I trust that the miracles will continue.  I trust, that as I go through this trial, I can fully understand that I chose this plan,  and I was ready to fight with integrity and loyalty to my Heavenly Father.  But most important for me, I have to trust that when its not the easiest day, and I kneel in prayer, my words are being heard and I will be comforted.   Events will come and go, but I will battle on because I trust, and I always will.  Thank you all for helping me trust and fight.  I love you!!!

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