It's been quite a while, a long while. I want to apologize to so many people who have been supporting me. I am healthy. The past year or so has been pretty mellow as far as Cancer is concerned. A couple ugly moles, a few seizures/mini-strokes. But overall, I feel healthy and strong. It is always concerning the few days leading up to scans, but I will take than ANY day of the week over a recurrence. I'm content and I love my family! I know the odds are against me, I know the statistics, I know the percentages, etc. It doesn't matter, it really doesn't. "I have the Faith to NOT be healed"-Bednar. I have been inspired by other people, friends, neighbors, and family members who have gone through their own horrible trials!! We are strong. We really can do hard things, every single one of us! I hope you all know that.
The title of this post is "I Stand All Amazed", one of the most powerful hymns regarding the Atonement of my Savior! I am at peace because I Stand All Amazed! I have grown to know my Savior in a personal way and in a Sacred way that is too personal to talk about. I know He lives!
Christmas is a time to be with family and friends and eat and watch football and open presents and on and on!! But let us all remember that Christ was born "Away in a Manger" so that he could suffer, die and then be resurrected....."Oh It is Wonderful, Wonderful to me"! Merry Christmas!!