The purpose for this post comes from a few different things. First, I have white hair from my treatments and I have really noticed people doing double takes if I don't wear a hat. Almost wanting to ask me why I have white hair, did I do it on purpose or thinking I messed my dye job up because there is a very distinct line on my neck that goes from white to brown. I would actually rather just have someone ask, than look three times" :))). The second thing that brought me to this topic is the reaction I would personally get when I would go out of my way at Huntsman and ask someone how their day was going. I remember a little frail lady in a wheelchair looked at me like I was crazy but realized I was gonna wait for an answer. She finally smiled and said "I'm doing ok today". I loved it! I don't do it enough though. Why? Why don't I say hi to everyone? Why don't I notice someone that looks unhappy and ask how their day is? I know it's Sunday schoolish, but aren't we all brothers and sisters?
Consider this quote by an individual who spent significant time in a prison camp:
"I can no longer condemn or hate a brother for whom I pray, no matter how much trouble he causes me. His face, hitherto may have been strange and intolerable to me, is transformed into the countenance of a brother for whom Christ died, the face of a forgiven sinner". When this man died, the doctor said, " I have hardly ever seen a man die to entirely submissive to the will of God!!"
Elder Holland said " consider how much happier our modern communities would be if we served rather than sued"! Obviously he is posing the same question another way, why don't we take care of people? Now I'm not saying there is no service or kindness, because there is enormous amounts of that, I will testify to that forever, but I know I'm missing the mark. I was at dinner with a good friend and he said something very sweet and true. He said that if the Savior were here today, or show up for our ward services we would most likely be shocked at who he would want to visit with because we put so much stock into callings, status etc. He would want to be with the humble, those in pain, those who are heartbroken and devastated. He would want to wipe tears, and put his arms around those who just arent sure whose they are. He would want to heal and lift. But to individuals that we might ignore everyday, or pay little attention to. We need to pray hard for ourselves but also pray hard for those who despise us. Easier sad than done, right? :) . Of course it is, anything that allows us to have significant growth is hard or stretches us, that's why we're here!! I have been blessed to have people stretch to comfort me, just by saying "hi" or "how are you doing today"? Kindness and love can heal many things. Try it! Thank you for all the love, support, and prayers!! Til we meet again!!